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Old 3rd August 2012
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 9
Rep Power: 0
saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal
Default Huge collection Of MacOSX Applications

Encyclopaedia Universalis 2012 (Win/Mac)

Encyclopaedia Universalis is the result of a unique collaboration between the world of knowledge and the world of publishing. The completeness of the articles and reference was drafted and signed by recognized specialists in each discipline or field accurate: historian, physician, musicologist, museum curator, researcher, scholar, writer, teacher ... More than 7,300 renowned authors guarantee the contents of the Encyclopaedia Universalis 2012.

Discount & Innovation

Thanks to the new interface to display multiple Universalis 2012, you have from now on a same screen:
Of all documents classified according to their relevance;
In a fast navigation between levels;
On a clear visualization, logical and organized.

Really intuitive, new interface Universalis 2012 is under control in less than a minute.

Thousands of articles are fully extended, rewritten or added, to address all the recent events, all developments, all new products, such as "Hosni Mubarak," "Wind and society", "Bisphenol A", the " Conference Nagoya (Environment), "the revolution of Jasmin" Tunisia ", the" genetic tests ", the" think tanks ", the" Digital Archiving ", the" Rating Agencies ", etc..

- Intuitive
With the new interface has simultaneous display, keep to the screen all stages of your consultation.
- Fast
Maximum of three clicks, you are accessing has any document, text or media.
- Pleasant
The new graphic facilitates all visits, even the longest.
- Functional
View at once to the eye all the answers to your questions, arrange your consultation, annotate and keep the documents of your choice.

The search engine Universalis, thanks to its exclusive indexing, takes into account every sense of the keywords, and thus provides a degree of uneven relevance.

Universalis 2012 is signed by more than 7,300 contributors from education and the cultural and professional. All her items are guaranteed as well as to their accuracy and their reliability.

- Practice
Print, save and export (including PDF) any document Universalis 2012.

UNIVERSALIS 2012 is compatible with:
Windows XP (all versions)
Windows Vista (all versions, including 64-bit versions)
Windows 7 (all versions, including 64-bit versions)
Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)
Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
OSX 10.7 (Lion)

Canon Solutions Disk v25.0 Mac OS X

Canon Solutions Disk v25.0 Mac OS X | 436MB
Could not find this anywhere and a lot of people just throw this disk away, so here you go... Canon Solutions Disk v25.0 (Disc That Comes Bundled With 5D Mark III). All content from original CD included (Much needed EOS Utility 2.11)

I had a issue trying to mount this with toast but worked my way around it.
1. Open "Toast"
2. Select Copy
3. Open Source File "CanonEOS250WM.iso"
4. Insert CD-R & Burn

WinZip Mac v2.0.1172 Mac OS X

WinZip Mac v2.0.1172 Mac OS X
Experience the power of WinZip��on your Mac! Designed specifically for Mac users, WinZip Mac Edition is packed with special features to help maximize your productivity and minimize your file sizes. Share more, store more, and get your work done effortlessly with WinZip Mac Edition.

Zip and unzip files instantly using simple, drag-and-drop functionality
Reduce file size for faster sharing and smaller storage
Open major compressed file formats (Zip, Zipx, RAR, LHA, 7Z, JAR, WAR)

Password-protect confidential files using powerful AES encryption
Prevent unauthorized access of email attachments
Encrypt individual files within a zipped folder

Package and Share
Zip and encrypt Mac files to create smaller, safer email attachments
Organize and compress files into small, logical groups that are ideal for sharing
Zip files and folders for faster uploading/downloading times


Movist 1.2.0 Mac Os X

Movist is an easy-to-use and powerful movie player. You can choose QuickTime or FFmpeg as decoder for each video codec and reopen with other decoder instantly. Movist supports many useful features to enjoy movies including H.264 video decode acceleration, digital audio out (S/PDIF), high quality subtitles, convenient & beautiful user interface and so on.

Just Enjoy Movies with Movist.

� Single Window Mode or Multiple Document Mode.
� Various Window Resizing Center & Style.
� Traditional or Lion-style Full Screen.
� Desktop Background Display.
� Fully customizable Themes. *1

� Many File Format supported. *2
� Many Video & Audio Codecs supported. *3
� Codec-to-Decoder Binding.
� H.264 Video Decode Acceleration. *4
� Many Core Image Filters supported.
� Under-Scan for TV out.

� Digital Audio Out (S/PDIF).
� System Volume Change.
� A/V Sync Adjustment.

� High Quality Subtitle supported.
� Many Subtitle Format supported. *5
� Embedded Subtitles in .mkv supported.
� Compressed Subtitles in .zip & .rar supported.
� Subtitle Display on Letter Box.
� 3-Subtitles Concurrent Display.
� Full Customizable Subtitle Display. *6
� Language-to-Subtitle Binding.
� Subtitle Text Encoding auto-detection.
� Subtitle Pre-rendering.
� Subtitle Sync Adjustment.

� Similar Named Movie Series auto-detection.
� Playlist Repeat Mode & End-Job(Sleep, Logout, Shutdown, �).
� Playlist Load & Save.
� 3-Level Seeking Intervals.
� Playback Speed Adjustment.

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later

Huge Pack of Plugins for Cinema 4d R12 with Textbooks and Instruction (x86/x64) (Win/Mac)

Set 1
1.AIT - Automatically aligns the nodes on a tangent - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 11 and above
2. AlignAssistant - Aligns the child objects to PSR. On the first and last object groups, etc. - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
3. ArchiPlug GETerrain v1 3 - ??Imports of terranes from the maps Google - v1 3 Win32
4. ArchiPlug Sketch4D v1 3 - ??Imports of scenes and models from SketchUp - Win32
5. Biomekk Cineview v1 22 008 - Advanced poschnik and the viewer - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. Biomekk EdgeShade v1 01 020 - a set of two shaders and SoftEdge DrawEdge ispolzuemych drawing frames and softening sharp corners - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. Biomekk EnhanceC4D v1 00 027 - A set of 178 2D and 3D procedural shaders - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. Biomekk Lumen v2 00 167 - Advanced tools for light sources - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Biomekk zBlur v2 00 313 - Alternative This instrument for the effect of DOF - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Blackstar Cinapsis v1 1 0-For a quick search, and edit elements of the scene, the dynamic run commands and plug-ins - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
11. Blackstar enDOFin v1 03 - posteffects depth of field of the field without the module Advanced Render - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
12. Blackstar PhotometricIES v1 0 - to create real-world photometric lights without any additional software visualization - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
13. Blackstar PtexShader v1 0 - The effective tekturirovaniya raster maps - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
14. Blackstar RefShader v2 1 - Advanced tool use shaders without kopipasta - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
15. C4DJack SplineSPREAD - Aligns the clones, or any number of objects on the spline, etc. - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
16. C4DJack SurfaceSPREAD v1 00 31 To create a landscape scene, the distribution of objects on the geology, topography, and the generation of stones, and plants contain shaders - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
17. Control4DPRO v1 0 - For rialtaymovogo animation with new management tools - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
18. D3D CinePoserLT February 1 to import scenes and animations from Poser format. Obj, including materials, lights and cameras - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
19. D3D SplinesPlus v2 02 - Five additional advanced tools for working with splines - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
20. D3D UVMapEdit v1 03 - Three Tools group for interactive editing of UV-scans - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
21. DNS PaintOnSurface a 64 - For quick and easy way to put some objects on the other poverhnositi as a brush - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
22. DNS WinGen v1 14 - to quickly create, edit and place windows on the architectural objects - WINONLY 32 for C4D 12

Set 2
1. DPIT Plants & Effev1 5 0 x Full - DPIT Plants for procedural modeling and animation of organic structures, trees and plants. DPIT Effex for creating liquids, fire, smoke, steam and explosions - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. DropIt Pro - plug-in menu for landing facilities or rospolozheniya them on any other surface - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
3. DropItPro_v1.03_Full - Same as above, from another doctor - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. Earthcontrol plugEllo DC010711 - plug-like MoGraph, to clone the object and applying to them the various options for just a few clicks - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
5. EasyClone - for cloning, and automatic allocation of points, edges and polygons - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. EdgeSweep_1.0 - Generates objects from the scan EdgeSelections in accordance with the deformations of the original object - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. FluidTools_Beta_0.86_26 - A set of plugins and tools for simulation and control of liquid media WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. GeneMagtoto ToothedWheel v1 0 01 - generator gears, sprockets, fans, etc. - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. GeoTools - A set of powerful plug-ins to modify and edit meshes (retopologiyu) and much more - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. REPEAT. Folders composition of different support materials. Of the two sets of one made complete.
11. Ground - A small plug-in tag for the location of objects on earth. - WINONLY 32 for C4D 12
12. Harvester 2.03 - creates and saves animated characters, allows you to apply the saved settings to the other characters - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
13. Heyne Spline Patch v2 51 1 - Creates a surface from the four border splines generates objects created by splines, splines can then be changed at any time. - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
14. Heyne Stacx v1 01 1 - To create a multi-dimensional materials with different thickness of layers 32 and 64 WINONLY to C4D 12
15. JannisLabelle Head Designer - Designer heads of different characters. WINONLY 32 for C4D 12

Set 3
1. Katachi_Rulertools_v2.0 - Adds a dimension line (as in Photoshop) in the window - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. LANDSCAPE-SHADING-KIT-V1 and V2 - A collection of parametric landscape materials with their istrument editing - WIN / MAC 32 and 64
3. KDZ Greebler v1 01 - A set of three plug-ins for the generation and distribution of many small objects on the parameters given by - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. KDZ InterPoserLtd v2 50a - To import Poser scenes with the possibility of editing them - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
5. KDZ interPoserPro R120 199m - to import models from Poser with the ability to edit them - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. Kekko3D SpeedMud1 1 - A set of tools for accurate modeling and rskladkoy in CAD ??programs - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. KVB Control4D PRO Full - HID devices for use in moving around the stage and recording for more realistic animation - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. LAUBLAB rhino io v1 1 - Import / Export plug-in for Rhino scenes using tools OpenNURBS - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Lotsofpixels fusionThing v1 15 - For the procedural modeling and animation based on the union, the distortion and manipulation of the full grid, not just the vertices or polygons - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Mirror Mirror April 1 - To reflect objects, or copies of himself and axles - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12

Set 4
1. Nitro4D_AniMidi_v1.05 - To use the Sound Effects in Cinema 4D, you can control the animation using Midi music, EasyCloth_v2.2 - Creating a simple fabric in a few clicks, Thrausi 1.36 - Animated breaking objects with gravity, WeightLoopPaint_v1 .00 - For easy control of small bones - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. - N to m in a p -
3. Paranormal4D_1.2 - Set of 8 shaders with a single edit, which can be done by regular means of the program - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. - N to m in a p -
5. SetInstance - Same as an instance, but works with groups of instances and accepts the position, rotation and scaling of parent objects - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. SilverBullet4D - For the detection of solids and the interaction between them - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. Simbiont - application designed for creating and working with procedural shaders DarkTrees ( Darkling Simulations Home ) - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. Skinprops MorphMill v2p1 - A set of plug-ins for creating and editing mesh Morph - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Skinprops RiptidePro v2p1 - For advanced import-export files Wavefront. Obj - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Skinprops Undertow v2p1 - A collection of 22 teams designed for UV-unwrapping in BodyPaint - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
11. SmartTexPath1_0 - Replaces all textures on the road with just one click - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12D 12
12. - N to m in a p -
13. TCAStudios SteadyBAKEv1 0 - Set of 5 plug-in speeds up the animation - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
14. TCAStudios SteadyCamPRO v3 1 - To improve and accelerate the work with the camera, adds, accuracy, flexibility and editing animation camera very quickly - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
15. TheThirdParty DeGamma 036 - For automatic control of color and shading - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
16. TheThirdParty StormTracer 13,805 - Allows you to create and manage hundreds of thousands of particles with extremely high quality is many times faster than before - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
17. Vreel3D TranslucentPro June 1 - Transparent shader for the best results when using the channels of brightness, color, and diffusion - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
18. Xplode1 1 - Breaking objects on the part of various parameters - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
19. XsHNSwitcher - Prohibition / permission HyperNurbs all objects in the scene - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
20. XsTab - Show / hide all tabs - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
21. XsTargetCamera - Create a target camera in the same position as the current camera - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
22. XsTextureSwitch - Disable / enable all textures scene - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
23. XsTextureTags - To delete all textures and materials of non-existent tag - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
24. XsThickness - To create a dynamic thickness of the object - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12

Version: R12
Developer: various
Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7 full time
Language: English
Medicine: Present
System Requirements: win32, win64, mac os


    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    Maplesoft Maple 16.01 MacOSX

    The Canadian company Maplesoft introduced the next version of its flagship technical computing package Maple 16. One of the most notable differences between the new version has the highest rate of solutions of differential equations. Equally significant improvements made, and all other mathematical functions, including basic operations and sophisticated data processing algorithms. In addition, the package includes more than 100 brand-new types of mathematical functions and graphs.

    According to the manufacturer, package Maple 16 is the leader in performance and scalability (with support for multi-core processors). At the Maple 15 has a unique feature - it supports the symbolic solution of differential equations - these opportunities there is no one competing product. The new version of Maple shows a record figure, solving 96% of a standard set of differential equations.

    With the Maple 16 users can handle very large data sets and create even more powerful interactive applications, using a new data table. The new controller provides better control of variables in the sessions, Maple, controlling the state of computing tasks.

    Today the package Maple is used in various fields - from the rover to the management of teaching the principles of mathematics. Improvements in version of Maple 16, including more than 250 types of functions and graphs to visualize mathematical expressions provide efficient operation with the calculations in any field.

    Computer algebra system Maple, has a friendly graphical interface allows for symbolic and numerical solutions of differential equations and calculate integrals.

    Xcode 3.2.6 and iOS SDK 4.3.3 MacOSX

    Xcode 3.2.6 and iOS SDK 4.3.3 MacOSX
    iOS SDK allows development of applications for the iPad and iPhone / iPod Touch. SDK includes a set of tools Xcode 3.2.6, compilers, emulators, and frameworks to build applications for iOS 4.3 (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) and Mac OS X. Among other things, these tools include the XCode IDE and analytical tools.


    aTV Flash 4.4.1 Mac Os X

    Do more with your AppleTV. Get aTV Flash. It's a quick software upgrade that will take your AppleTV to a whole new level. With aTV Flash on board your AppleTV's true potential will be unleashed. Don't worry about the technical details - aTV Flash is simple to use and safe for your AppleTV. The software installs in a snap and doesn't require any physical changes to the AppleTV. Best of all, aTV Flash will NOT void your warranty. In fact, you can easily remove it at any time, if you can ever bear to part with it.

    Play More Video Formats
    Go beyond iTunes. aTV Flash enables the AppleTV to play media formats such as DivX, Xvid, AVI, WMV, RMVB & many more.

    Enjoy DVDs the Simple Way
    Store all your DVD's on a single device for easy viewing. No more searching through stacks of discs. Includes support for menus and special features.

    Create Video Playlists
    Keep tabs on your newly accessible media with playlists, which you can loop and shuffle as you please

    Expand Capacity with External USB Hard Drive Storage
    Get more from your AppleTV by expanding its storage capacity. Just attach an external USB hard drive in either the OSX or FAT32 format.

    Access Media Anywhere
    Don't depend on iTunes any longer. Drag and drop media onto your AppleTV, or even stream it directly from most NAS devices. This feature includes support for FTP, SFTP, SSH and SMB protocols.

    Add More Apps
    Extend the functionality even further by adding applications such as Firefox, EyeTV, Google Earth and Mobile Air Mouse.

    Take Control
    Use the Loop™ pointer from Hillcrest Labs to gain enhanced control on all AppleTV features.

    Stay in the Know with RSS News Feeds
    Keep track of your favorite news feeds by viewing them on the AppleTV.

    Manage Your Plugins
    The installed options on the AppleTV can be easily adjusted as needed.

    Control the Show
    Use your iPhone or iPod Touch to control the AppleTV with the Remote app from Apple.

    Unchanged Original Features
    Sync with iTunes, rent movies, view photo slideshows - you'll still be able to do it all. The original features of your AppleTV wont change a bit when you use aTV Flash.

    Supported Video Formats:
    - AVI, DivX, Xvid, FLV, WMV, RM and RMVB
    - MKV formats supported up to 480p resolution (hardware limited)
    - MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3 and MPEG-4
    - DVD files (VIDEO_TS/VOB)
    - AVI support for: AAC, AC3 Audio, H.264, MPEG4, and VBR MP3
    - Subtitle support for SSA and SRT
    - plus many more (click here for the full list)

    Included Software:
    - FTP/SFTP/SSH Access - Transfer files to and from the AppleTV
    - NitoTV 0.8.2 - Play DVD files, enable USB storage and much more
    - Sapphire 7.6 - Play and organize media using IMDB database
    - AirControl beta 0.92 - Use the Loop™ Pointer from Hillcrest Labs on AppleTV
    - XBMC - A fully customizable media center software
    - Boxee - Watch and share media with your friends
    - Keyboard Magic 1.1 - USB keyboard support
    - Maintenance 2.2 - Manage installed plugins, and install additional features
    - All Available Video Codecs (Perian, A52, Mplayer + more)

    AppleTV running software v3.0 or later
    Mac: OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or later
    USB Flash Drive – 256MB or larger
    Internet Connection


    Graphisoft ArchiCAD 16 Build 3006 MacOSX

    ArchiCAD 16 introduces a comprehensive ecosystem of solutions to ease the creation, sharing, and finding of custom BIM Components. Built-in Energy Evaluation turns ArchiCAD 16 into the “greenest” BIM solution available on the market today.

    Custom objects, components, and structures require a tool with extraordinary modeling flexibility. ArchiCAD 16 introduces direct modeling capabilities into the native BIM environment with its brand new MORPH™ tool. MORPH allows element creation with any custom geometry in an intuitive graphical way, featuring popular modeling techniques. MORPH elements can be created from scratch simply or by converting any existing ArchiCAD BIM element. The MORPH tool is an optimal solution for creating custom BIM components, custom structures, and custom elements of the built environment as well as custom-designed building interiors.

    Languages: English (International)

    Hardware/Software Requirements
    MacOS (MacIntel)

    • MacOSX 10.7 Lion
    • Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard (64-bit)*
    • Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server 10.6 (64-bit)*

    • Macintosh with Intel processor (Core2Duo or later). Multicore processor is recommended.

    • 4 GB RAM is required, 8 GB or more is recommended.

    Disk Space
    • 5 GB free hard disk space required for a full installation.
    • Additional 10 GB hard disk space (physically located on the server) required per project.

    Only case-insensitive file-system volumes are supported.

    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    Rosetta Stone 3.4.7 With 18 Languages & Audio Companions (Win/Mac)

    Rosetta Stone includes many of the same features common to other language learning software products - native-speaker audio, text, a voice recognition feature to aid in learning proper pronunciation etc. The software teaches the main four skills of language learning - speaking, listening, reading and writing. There are a number of basic exercises that focus on a combination of skills such as reading and writing over listening and speaking or vice versa, or focus on just one of the skills.


    Chinese Mandarin
    English American
    English British
    Filipino Tagalog

    Rosetta Stone error 2123 ,2125 on Windows 7

    Error 2123

    Go to : C:\Program Files\Rosetta Stone\Rosetta Stone Version 3\ & run program to use

    If you can use it, delete old shortcut & create new shortcut to desktop.
    If you cant use it, remove & reinstall.

    Error 2125

    =>Database out of date

    - Find tracking.db3 in C:\programData\Rosetta Stone\tracking.db3 & rename it to tracking.db3.bak
    - Restart your computer
    - Run Rosetta Stone & Close it .
    - After that rename tracking.db3.bak to tracking.db3 .

    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    Adobe After Effects CS6 v11.0 LS7 Multilanguage MAC OSX

    Languages: English French German Spanish Italian Japanese Korean

    Adobe? After Effects? CS6 software lets you deliver cinematic visual effects and motion graphics faster than ever before with new Global Performance Cache. Extend your creativity with built-in text and shape extrusion new mask feathering options and the fast easy-to-use 3D Camera Tracker. Create visual effects faster in Adobe? After Effects? CS6 software with Global Performance Cache which optimizes and keeps your previews so you can beat deadlines instead of waiting for frame updates. Boost your creativity with a new 3D engine for text and shape extrusions a 3D camera tracker and variable-width mask feathering.

    New Features:

    Global Performance Cache
    Create more in less time. With new Global Performance Cache your previews are saved and ready when you are ? no more waiting for the application to catch up. This revolution "under the hood" makes After Effects extremely fast and responsive by taking full advantage of the power of your computer?s hardware for visual effects and motion graphics.

    3D Camera Tracker
    Track 3D elements with complete control over depth of field shadows and reflections. Automatically analyze and place 3D track points onto 2D footage in the background while you work.

    Ray-traced extruded text and shapes
    Extrude fully ray-traced text and shapes natively and take full advantage of reflections environment maps and more.

    Variable mask feathering
    Create a separate set of splines to precisely control mask feathering. Get the exact shape you want with the proper degree of softness at any point along the mask edge resulting in a big boost to creative flexibility.

    Integration with Adobe Illustrator
    Instantly convert Illustrator vector art (AI and EPS format) into shape layers. Easily animate vector art in 2D or extrude to 3D.

    Rolling Shutter Repair
    Remove rolling shutter artifacts such as skew and wobble without forcing stabilization.

    New and updated effects
    Enhance your creativity with 90 new and updated built-in effects including the complete 16- and 32-bit CycoreFX HD suite.

    Avid AAF and FCP 7 XML file import with Pro Import AE
    Import and work with files created in Apple Final Cut Pro 7 or earlier versions as well as Avid Media Composer and Symphony letting you integrate After Effects with professional production workflows.

    mocha for After Effects CS6
    Launch mocha for After Effects CS6 directly within After Effects CS6*.

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Audition CS6 v5.0 LS7 Multilanguage MAC OSX-iND

    Adobe Audition CS6 v5.0 LS7 Multilanguage MAC OSX-iND

    Easily sweeten audio for video. Pass individual clips and multitrack mixes from Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 software to Adobe Audition for editing, or send Adobe Premiere Pro sequences with a reference video to Adobe Audition for complete soundtrack creation.

    Project exchange with third-party NLEs and DAWs
    Easily move sessions between Adobe Audition and Avid Pro Tools using built-in OMF import and export functions in Adobe Audition. Share files with other video NLEs via XML interchange.

    Native 5.1 multichannel support
    Edit multichannel files and mix your projects in 5.1 surround. Adobe Audition CS6 includes a Surround Panner in the Mixer View, as well as a new Surround Reverb effect and Amplify, a multichannel gain processor.

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium LS7 Multilanguage MAC OSX

    Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean

    Adobe� Creative Suite� 6 Production Premium software offers a sleek, fresh editing environment in Adobe Premiere� Pro; 3D tracking and extruded text and shapes in Adobe After Effects�; new Content-Aware tools in Adobe Photoshop� Extended; and faster editing in Adobe Audition�. New additions are Adobe Prelude� for logging and ingest and Adobe SpeedGrade� for color grading and finishing.

    See the top new features in CS6 Production Premium
    Find out about a new Adobe Premiere Pro interface, timesaving Global Performance Cache in After Effects, and more.

    Work without interruption
    Work faster with the new Global Performance Cache in After Effects and new support for OpenCL and NVIDIA� Maximus� in the Adobe Mercury Playback Engine within Adobe Premiere Pro.

    Infuse your projects with creative inspiration
    Let ideas flow in a fresh editing environment. Use exciting new tools in After Effects, GPU-enabled effects in Adobe Photoshop Extended, and professional color finishing effects in

    Deliver virtually anywhere
    Reach more people in more places by designing to the latest web, mobile, and video standards. Create stunning, responsive experiences that fluidly adapt to virtually all screen sizes and form factors.

    Design without limits
    Tackle any creative challenge with Adobe� Creative Suite� 6 Master Collection software. Explore groundbreaking ways to design for tablets and smartphones, speed up image editing, enhance high-end motion, and deliver stunning experiences. Express your vision without bounds thanks to the ultimate design environment.

    Content-aware technologies in Photoshop Extended
    Retouch images with astonishing ease, control, and precision in Adobe Photoshop� Extended. Remove or move selected image objects, and Content-Aware technology magically fills, patches, extends, or recomposes your image with stunning results.

    Simplified 3D design in Photoshop Extended
    Dive into 3D artwork creation with intuitive on-canvas and in-context scene editing. Drag shadows into place, animate 3D objects, and give 3D objects a sketched look.*

    Intuitive video creation in Photoshop Extended
    Bring image-editing power to video. Enhance any clip using the full range of familiar tools in Photoshop Extended, and then combine clips and stills with transitions, audio, and effects.

    Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    After Effects CS6
    Photoshop CS6 Extended
    Adobe Audition CS6
    SpeedGrade CS6
    Prelude CS6
    Illustrator� CS6
    Encore� CS6
    Flash� Professional CS6
    Media Encoder CS6
    Bridge CS6

    Integration with:
    Digital Publishing Suite

    Blur Gallery in Photoshop Extended
    Quickly create photographic blur effects using a simple interface with on-image controls. Create tilt-shift effects, sharpen one focal point, or vary the blur among many focal points.

    Seamless vector pattern creation in Illustrator
    Easily create seamlessly tiled vector patterns in Adobe Illustrator�. Experiment freely with different types of repeating patterns that can be edited at any time for maximum design flexibility.

    Powerful image tracing in Illustrator
    Confidently convert raster images to editable vectors with a powerful tracing engine in Illustrator. Get clean lines, accurate fitting, and reliable results using simple, intuitive controls.

    password if required : saa10245
    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection ENGLISH+MULTI

    Languages: en_US / en_GB / ja_JP

    What is Master Collection?

    Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection software delivers unprecedented performance with blazing-fast 64-bit native support and GPU acceleration. Groundbreaking new creative tools provide innovative ways to design for the latest devices. With exceptional power and precision, you can create inspiring experiences that go anywhere.*

    See the top new features in CS6 Master Collection

    With groundbreaking new creative tools, you can deliver inspirational experiences virtually anywhere. Master Collection features 64-bit native support and GPU acceleration for unprecedented power across core components.

    Tackle any creative challenge that comes your way. Use the ultimate professional toolset to explore new ways to design amazing print, web, and video experiences.

    Work fluidly on your most complex projects with tools newly optimized for speed and performance. Reengineered features let you create with significantly fewer steps for maximum efficiency.

    Reach more people in more places by designing to the latest web, mobile, and video standards. Create stunning, responsive experiences that fluidly adapt to virtually all screen sizes and form factors.

    What's inside
    Photoshop Extended
    Photoshop� CS6 Extended
    Illustrator� CS6
    InDesign� CS6
    Acrobat X Pro
    Acrobat� X Pro
    Flash Professional
    Flash� Professional CS6
    Flash Builder
    Flash Builder� 4.6 Premium Edition
    Dreamweaver� CS6
    Fireworks� CS6
    Adobe Premiere Pro
    Adobe Premiere� Pro CS6
    After Effects
    After Effects� CS6
    Adobe Audition
    Adobe Audition� CS6
    SpeedGrade™ CS6
    Adobe Prelude
    Prelude™ CS6
    Encore� CS6
    Bridge CS6
    Media Encoder
    Media Encoder CS6
    REQS Mac OS

    Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
    Mac OS X v10.6.8 or v10.7
    4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
    15.5GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
    Additional disk space required for disk cache, preview files, and other working files (10GB recommended)
    1280x900 display with 16-bit color and 512MB of VRAM; 1680x1050 display required and second professionally calibrated viewing display recommended for Adobe SpeedGrade
    OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (SuperDrive for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)
    Java Runtime Environment 1.6
    Eclipse 3.7 Cocoa version (for plug-in installation of Adobe Flash Builder; the following distributions are supported: Eclipse IDE for Java EE and Java Developers, Eclipse Classic, Eclipse for PHP Developers
    QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features, multimedia, and HTML5 media playback
    Dedicated GPU card recommended (for optimal performance in SpeedGrade and for GPU-accelerated features in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects: NVIDIA Quadro 4000 or other Adobe-certified GPU card with at least 1GB of VRAM recommended); visit In depth | Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for supported cards
    Optional: Tangent CP200 family or Tangent Wave control surface for SpeedGrade
    Optional: 7200 RPM hard drive (multiple fast disk drives, preferably RAID 0 configured, recommended) for video products
    This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.† Phone activation is not available.


    Word of caution: be sure to install whilst disconnected from the net and block all attempts by the apps with Little Snitch and apply the patch offline. This has worked thus far for me.

    # Install as trial while disconnected from the net (or block outgoing connections)

    # Do not enter an Adobe ID > Select 'Connect later'

    # Once installed, replace (keep a copy of the original just in case)
    in Application_Name.app/Contents/Frameworks/ with [k'ed] one.

    # Repeat for any other applications from the suite you have installed.

    # Block outgoing connections.

    #use Option-&-Drag so you can make multiple copies without unzipping it everytime.

    #########you have to launch the applications and close them once before applying the crack, this in order to load the "extended" Photoshop version.######

    • Install any Adobe CS6 trial as trial while disconnected from the net (or block outgoing connections)
    • Do not enter an Adobe ID > Select 'Connect later'
    • Once installed, launch and quit each application at least once, blocking any outgoing connections as necessary.
    • Replace (keep a copy of the original just in case) amtlib.framework in Application_Name.app/Contents/Frameworks/ with [k'ed] one.
    • Repeat for any other applications from the suite you have installed.
    • Block outgoing connections.



    EDIT I: in order to get Photoshop Extended version, you need to launch the Photoshop application at least once before proceeding with replacing the amtlib.framework. If you've already replaced the framework, there's no need to reinstal the lot, simply reinstate the original framework (because you did keep a backup copy, right?), launch Photoshop. Quit. Replace the framework with [k'ed] one. This also applies to other applications in the suite in order to get rid of the 'Tryout' label, acquire the standard presets, and whatever else. The README in the download above and the steps described above have been updated to reflect this.


    EDIT II: According to Adobe's FAQ, some of the apps in the Master Collection aren't available as trial and will only work once a valid serial is entered. You therefore get a dialog asking for a serial number.

    If so, then try this:
    • Restore the original amtlib.framework for those apps (if you've already replaced it with the [k'ed] one).
    • While disconnected from the net, launch the app and enter the following serial when prompted: 1325-0949-2080-9819-3777-3230 or 1325-0160-5283-9851-2671-8951 and select "Connect later"
    • Quit the app.
    • Replace amtlib.framework with [k'ed] one.
    • Launch the app.

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection Multilanguage

    Languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish

    What's inside:

    Acrobat X Pro
    Adobe Audition CS6
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    After Effects CS6
    Bridge CS6
    Dreamweaver CS6
    Encore CS6
    Fireworks CS6
    Flash Builder 4.6 Premium Edition
    Flash Professional CS6
    Illustrator CS6
    InDesign CS6
    Media Encoder CS6
    Photoshop CS6 Extended
    Prelude™ CS6
    SpeedGrade™ CS6

    Deutsch - German
    Espanol - Spanish
    Espanol America Latina - Spanish
    Francais Canadien - French
    Francais - French
    Italiano - Italian
    Nederlands - Dutch
    Portugues do Brasil - Brazilian Portuguese
    Svenska - Swedish

    Before beginning, disconnect from the internet!
    Little Snitch or the HOSTS file will not help because the installer and PDApp know it is being blocked.
    So make sure that lm.licenses.adobe.com and na2m-pr.licenses.adobe.com are not blocked yet before installation/activation is completed. *
    Remove the domain entries from your HOSTS file if you have them in there too soon!

    1. Install any CS6 product as a trial. **

    2. Launch each CS6 application and activate the trial. Then quit the application..

    3. Right click to view the Contents of each CS6 application and navigate to the Frameworks folder to replace each amtlib.framework.
    Replace amtlib.framework with cracked amtlib.framework for every CS6 application. ***

    4. Run Smart Adobe CS6 Blocker v1.0 script or application.

    5. Re-connect to the internet.


    * Warning!!! Do not try to block the domains lm.licenses.adobe.com and na2m-pr.licenses.adobe.com with your HOSTS file or with Little Snitch. Or you will not be able to reach the Connect Later screen. Instead, if you blocked those addresses you will always get the unable to validate serial screen instead. Remove these two domains before installing any CS6 software or you may not be able to fully unlock some software or it's extras.


    ** Some people have also claimed that the serials below worked with the Master Collection CS6 LS4 (language suite 4 is non-English) instead of installing as a trial. But I was never able to get the serials past an endless loop of connect later with LS16 or LS4.


    *** You can also compress each amtlib.framework into a ZIP file before replacing it with a cracked amtlib.framework. Easier than re-installing software later.


    password if required: saa10245
    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    Combined adobe Cs6 Mac osx cracks

    Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 v12.0 LS6 Multilanguage MAC OSX

    Languages: Danish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese (BR)

    Adobe� Dreamweaver� CS6 web design software provides an intuitive visual interface for making and editing HTML websites and mobile apps. Use fluid grid layout designed for cross-platform compatibility to create adaptive layouts. Review designs with Multiscreen Preview before publishing.

    See the top new features in Dreamweaver CS6
    Find out more about fluid grid layout, enhanced jQuery Mobile support, CSS3 transitions, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading software for designing and editing websites and mobile apps.

    Build online businesses
    Develop complex e-commerce sites without writing any server-side code by integrating with the Adobe Business Catalyst� platform (available separately). Set up and host free trial sites.

    Streamline productivity
    Design, develop, and deliver websites and mobile apps efficiently with faster FTP transfers and improved image editing. Build mobile apps with updated support for jQuery Mobile and Adobe PhoneGap™ frameworks.

    Transfer large files more efficiently with improved FTP performance in Adobe� Dreamweaver� CS6 software. Updated Live View and Multiscreen Preview panels render HTML5 code so you can check your work.

    Fluid grid layout
    Create cross-platform and cross-browser-compatible web designs using the CSS3-based fluid grid layout system. Work faster and more efficiently as you develop projects using clean, industry-standard code for a wide range of devices and computers. Visually construct complex web designs and page layouts without getting buried in code.

    Improved FTP performance
    Save time uploading larger files with the reengineered multithreaded FTP transfer tool. Upload site files faster and more efficiently to speed production time.

    Adobe Business Catalyst integration
    Use the integrated Business Catalyst panel in Dreamweaver to connect and edit sites you build with Adobe Business Catalyst (available separately). Build e-commerce sites with the hosted solution.

    Enhanced jQuery Mobile support
    Build native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms using updated support for jQuery Mobile. Build apps to reach mobile audiences while streamlining your mobile development workflow

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Fireworks CS6 v12.0 LS4 Multilanguage MAC OSX

    Languages: Danish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese (BR)

    Adobe� Fireworks� CS6 software helps you create beautiful designs for websites and mobile apps in a snap, without coding. Deliver vector and bitmap images, mockups, 3D graphics, and interactive content for popular tablets and smartphones.

    See the top new features in Fireworks CS6
    Find out more about new jQuery mobile themes, improved CSS support, quicker access to color, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading software for creating beautiful designs for websites and mobile apps.

    Simplify your workflow for standards-based websites and apps
    Extract clean CSS3 code from your designs with the CSS Properties panel. Smooth integration with Adobe Photoshop�, Illustrator�, and Dreamweaver� software simplifies your work.

    Produce better screen graphics, faster
    Enhance your productivity with better redraw performance for Mac OS and improved memory management for 64-bit Windows� systems to support file sizes up to four times larger. Change colors more quickly with an improved color swatch.

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Flash Professional CS6 v12.0 LS4 Multilanguage MAC OSX

    Languages: Danish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese (BR)

    Adobe� Flash� Professional CS6 software is a powerful authoring environment for creating animation and multimedia content. Design immersive interactive experiences that present consistently across desktops and multiple devices, including tablets, smartphones, and televisions.

    See the top new features in Flash Professional CS6
    Find out more about sprite-sheet generation, simulation of mobile Adobe AIR� applications, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading animation software for producing rich multimedia content.

    Learn more about new support for HTML5
    Download this new extension to transition to creating HTML5-based interactive content. Continue to use the core animation and drawing capabilities of Flash Professional CS6 and export javascript to target the CreateJS open source framework.

    Expand your reach across devices and platforms
    Reach Android™ and iOS devices by targeting the latest Adobe Flash Player and AIR runtimes. Deliver apps with a prepackaged AIR captive runtime for better user experience, and access device-specific capabilities with prebuilt native extensions

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Illustrator CS6 v16.0 LS4 Multilanguage MAC OSX

    Languages: Danish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Portuguese (BR)

    Adobe� Illustrator� CS6 software is powered by the new Adobe Mercury Performance System so you can work with speed and stability on large, complex files. A modern, updated interface streamlines daily tasks. Advanced creative tools enable you to capture your vision better than ever.

    See the top new features in Illustrator CS6
    Work with precision, speed, and stability on large, complex files with the Adobe Mercury Performance System. Enjoy a new tracing engine, quickly design seamless patterns, and apply gradients to strokes.

    Work fast and with rock-solid stability
    Take advantage of a new performance system with native 64-bit support for Mac OS and Windows� to power tasks that were often impossible, such as opening, saving, and exporting large files and previewing elaborate designs.

    Efficiently drive daily tasks and favorite features
    Work more efficiently and intuitively with a modern user interface. Familiar tasks are now streamlined, from inline editing of layer names to precise color sampling.

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe InDesign CS6 v8.0 LS16 Multilanguage MAC OSX• Incl Crack

    adobe� InDesign� CS6 software is a versatile desktop publishing application that gives you pixel-perfect control over design and typography. Create elegant and engaging pages for print, tablets, and other screens. Use Adaptive Design Tools to easily repurpose layouts to look great on a variety of pages sizes, orientations, or devices.

    • Install any Adobe CS6 trial as trial while disconnected from the net (or block outgoing connections)
    • Do not enter an Adobe ID > Select 'Connect later'
    • Once installed, launch and quit each application at least once, blocking any outgoing connections as necessary.
    • Replace (keep a copy of the original just in case) amtlib.framework in Application_Name.app/Contents/Frameworks/ with [k'ed] one.
    • Repeat for any other applications from the suite you have installed.
    • Block outgoing connections.



    EDIT I: in order to get Photoshop Extended version, you need to launch the Photoshop application at least once before proceeding with replacing the amtlib.framework. If you've already replaced the framework, there's no need to reinstal the lot, simply reinstate the original framework (because you did keep a backup copy, right?), launch Photoshop. Quit. Replace the framework with [k'ed] one. This also applies to other applications in the suite in order to get rid of the 'Tryout' label, acquire the standard presets, and whatever else. The README in the download above and the steps described above have been updated to reflect this.


    EDIT II: According to Adobe's FAQ, some of the apps in the Master Collection aren't available as trial and will only work once a valid serial is entered. You therefore get a dialog asking for a serial number.

    If so, then try this:
    • Restore the original amtlib.framework for those apps (if you've already replaced it with the [k'ed] one).
    • While disconnected from the net, launch the app and enter the following serial when prompted: 1325-0949-2080-9819-3777-3230 or 1325-0160-5283-9851-2671-8951 and select "Connect later"
    • Quit the app.
    • Replace amtlib.framework with [k'ed] one.
    • Launch the app.


    Adobe InDesign CS6 v8.0 Multilanguage (MACOSX) With Contents

    Adobe InDesign CS6 software is a versatile desktop publishing application that gives you pixel-perfect control over design and typography. Create elegant and engaging pages for print, tablets, and other screens. Use Adaptive Design Tools to easily re purpose layouts to look great on a variety of pages sizes, orientations, or devices.

    See the top new features in InDesign CS6
    Find out more about Adaptive Design Tools Alternate Layout, Liquid Layout, linked content, Content Collector tools and other new features in this latest version of the leading page layout software for print and digital publishing.

    Find out what you've been missing
    Learn about features introduced since CS3 to help you efficiently produce sophisticated layouts and adapt them to multiple page sizes, orientations, and devices without sacrificing control over design and typography.

    Explore what you can do
    Create beautiful page layouts for alternate page sizes or devices. Efficiently design for print, tablets, and other screens. Integrate with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite* to publish interactive digital publications for tablets.

    Design beautiful page layouts
    Harness the professional design and typography features in Adobe InDesign CS6 software to create stunning and sophisticated page layouts with pixel-perfect control.

    Recently used fonts
    Access fonts you use frequently. Recently used fonts appear at the top of the font list.

    Persistent text frame fitting options
    Set frames to grow with additional text, based on simple parameters. Expand and shrink frames automatically for headlines, call outs, or other variable content.

    Integration with other Adobe solutions
    Move smoothly from design to output, thanks to tight integration with industry-leading Adobe software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat and Flash Professional.

    Password if required: saa10245
    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    Adobe Master Collection CS6 Design Standard MAC OSX ESD

    What is the main collection Software Creative Suite Master Collection 6 delivers unparalleled work quickly with a sparkling 64-bit native support and acceleration GPU. The innovative new creative tools provide innovative ways to design for the latest devices. With exceptional power and accuracy, you can create inspiring events that go anywhere.

    Photoshop CS6 Extended
    Illustrator CS6
    InDesign CS6
    Acrobat X Pro
    Flash Professional CS6
    Flash Builder 4.6 Premium Edition
    Dreamweaver CS6
    Fireworks CS6
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    After Effects CS6
    Adobe Audition CS6
    SpeedGrade CS6
    Prelude CS6
    Encore CS6
    Bridge CS6
    Media Encoder CS6
    Integration with:
    Digital Publishing Suite

    password if required: saa10245

    Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0 Final Extended - Mac OS X

    Languages : English, Japanese
    Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended software delivers even more imaging magic, new creative options, and the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine for blazingly fast performance. Retouch with greater precision, and intuitively create 3D graphics, 2D designs, and movies using new and reimagined tools and workflows.*

    Photoshop CS6 Extended Features

    Enhance your creativity and boost your productivity. Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended software delivers blazingly fast performance with the new Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine, groundbreaking new Content-Aware tools, simplified 3D artwork creation, reengineered design tools, and more.*

    Content-Aware Patch : Patch images with greater control using Content-Aware Patch, which allows you to choose the area that Content-Aware will use to create your patch.

    Mercury Graphics Engine : See near-instant results when you're editing images with key tools such as Liquify and Puppet Warp, creating 3D artwork, and working with matte paintings and other large files.*

    3D performance boost : Experience enhanced performance throughout your 3D workflows. View shadows and reflections in all editing modes, quickly render final work in Adobe RayTrace mode thanks to the Mercury Graphics Engine, and much more.*

    3D controls at your fingertips : Use a vastly simplified user interface to intuitively create and animate 3D artwork. Use in-context and on-canvas controls to manipulate cages for 3D extrusions, change the orientation of scenes and objects, edit lights, and more.*

    New and reengineered design tools : Create superior designs faster. Get consistent formatting with type styles, use vector layers to apply strokes and add gradients to vector objects, easily create custom strokes and dashed lines, quickly search layers, and more.

    New Blur Gallery : Quickly create photographic blur effects using a simple new interface with on-image controls. Create tilt-shift effects, blur everything and then sharpen one focal point, or vary the blurriness between multiple focal points. The Mercury Graphics Engine delivers immediate results.*

    All-new Crop tool : Crop images faster and with greater precision using the all-new, nondestructive Crop tool. Manipulate your images on canvas, and take advantage of the Mercury Graphics Engine to see your adjustments happen live.*

    Modern user interface : Work with a fresh, elegant interface featuring dark background options that make your images pop, and benefit from hundreds of design touches that create a smoother, more consistent editing experience.

    New reflections and draggable shadows : Quickly achieve 3D realism by adding and enhancing shadows and reflections on your ground plane. Drag a shadow to reposition the light source, and easily edit ground reflections, shadows, and other effects.*

    Intuitive video creation : Bring Photoshop image editing power to your videos. Easily enhance any clip using the full range of familiar Photoshop editing tools, and combine clips and stills with transitions, audio, and effects such as pan and zoom.

    Background Save : Keep on working even while saving the largest of Photoshop files in the background — a performance improvement that can help your productivity soar.

    Auto-recovery : Let the auto-recovery option work behind the scenes to save your edits without interrupting your progress. A copy of your work is saved every 10 minutes and recovered in the event of an unexpected shutdown.

    Easy alignment and distribution of 3D objects : Create rich 3D scenes in less time now that you can automatically align 3D objects to the vanishing point in your image and manipulate a group of 3D objects at one time using a new multiselect option.*

    Dozens of user-inspired improvements : Save time with more than 65 new creativity and productivity enhancements that originated as suggestions from Photoshop users via Facebook, Twitter, and more.

    Preset migration and sharing : Easily migrate your presets, workspaces, preferences, and settings so you can experience Photoshop in the same way on all your computers, share your setup, and bring your customizations from past versions into Photoshop CS6.

    Content-Aware Move : Move or extend a selected object to another area of your image, and then watch as Content-Aware Move magically recomposes and blends the object for a stunning visual result.

    Revolutionary erodible brushes : Draw more naturally and realistically using drawing tips that erode as you work. Endlessly wear down and sharpen a charcoal pencil or pastel to create different effects, and save favorite blunted tips as presets.

    New painting presets : Simplify painting with new presets that offer a good starting point for creating realistic painting effects.

    Scripted Patterns : Generate geometric pattern fills faster with Scripted Patterns.

    Enhanced 3D animation : Animate all 3D properties — including cameras, lights, materials, and meshes — using the Animation timeline. Final rendering performance is now much improved during export of your 3D animation.*

    Flexible render modes for shadows : Work more fluidly now that you can preview shadows in both GL and Adobe RayTrace render modes.*

    Accurate 3D object merge : Accurately merge multiple 3D objects in a single scene so they can interact with the same lighting and cameras.*

    Alternate views : Easily view your 3D artwork from multiple angles while editing.*

    3D stereo viewing and printing : Easily import common stereo formats, such as JPS and MPO, into the 3D pipeline, and make simple adjustments to set depth and range. View a stereo image on stereo monitors or TVs, or print it as a lenticular 3D image.*

    Adobe Flash 3D export : Easily export 3D artwork in Adobe Flash 3D format for viewing in web browsers. Also export 3D artwork assets for use in Adobe Flash Builder software (sold separately).*

    3D sketch and cartoon presets : Click once to give your 3D objects the look of sketches or cartoons, and automatically create sketch presets by creating any brush stroke.*

    Improved 3D extrusion engine : Create stunning 3D logos and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask with the improved 3D extrusion engine, which offers faster editing, on-canvas controls, and better beveling options.*

    Type styles : Save time and ensure a consistent look with type styles, which let you apply formatting to selected characters, lines, or paragraphs of text with a single click.

    Vector layers : Use vector layers to apply strokes and even add gradients to vector objects.

    Sharper vector rendering : Get sharper rendering by clicking once to snap the edges of vector objects to pixels.

    Custom strokes and dashed lines : Easily create custom strokes and dashed lines.

    Layer search : Use layer search capabilities to quickly zero in on the layer you need.

    Lighting Effects Gallery : Get better performance and results with the new, 64-bit Lighting Effects Gallery. The plug-in is powered by the Mercury Graphics Engine and offers on-canvas controls and previews that make it easier to visualize your lighting enhancements.*

    Oil Painting filter : Quickly give your work the look of a fine painting with the Oil Painting filter powered by the Mercury Graphics Engine. Control the style of your brush as well as the direction and shine of your lighting for a superior look.

    Airbrush tips : Create realistic airbrush effects using fluid, lifelike controls and granular paint particles.

    Brush enhancements : Paint more naturally by manually changing the rotation of your paint brush with your mouse. Dynamically resize your brushes with shortcuts, and take advantage of the Mercury Graphics Engine to fluidly adjust opacity or hardness.

    10-bit deep color support : Get a more accurate representation of how your images will appear in film with 10-bit monitor support. See just the pixels youa?ve captured, reduce or eliminate the need for dithering, and reduce contouring or banding.†

    Support for 3D LUTs : Retouch images for film more easily with 3D lookup tables (LUTs) — including Adobe SpeedGrade .Look color LUTs — that you can turn on when you need to tweak raw color data.

    OpenEXR transparency preferences : Choose whether you'd like to handle alpha channels in OpenEXR files as alpha channels or transparency.

    Properties panel : Save time with a context-sensitive Properties panel that lets you make quick updates to the properties of your masks, adjustments, and 3D content.

    Adobe Bridge CS6 : Manage your media faster — especially when working with large image files. Adobe Bridge CS6 offers cross-platform 64-bit support and a range of user interface and database enhancements.

    Redesigned Adobe Mini Bridge : Access your images and documents more quickly and easily in Adobe Mini Bridge, redesigned as an elegant filmstrip.

    New heads-up displays : Use heads-up displays to get greater precision when selecting and transforming objects and text.

    Enhanced TIFF support : Work with a larger range of TIFF files. Enhanced TIFF support allows for greater bit depths and larger file sizes.

    Automatic resampling : Get great results when resizing an image — the best resample method is automatically selected.

    Filler text : Save time with the ability to insert "Lorem ipsum" filler text when working with type.

    Increased maximum brush sizes : Edit and paint with brush sizes all the way up to 5000px.

    System Requirements

    * Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
    * Mac OS X v10.6.8 or v10.7
    * 1GB of RAM
    * 2GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
    * 1024x768 (1280x800 recommended) resolution display with 16-bit color and 512MB of VRAM
    * OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    * DVD-ROM drive

    Languages : English, Japanese
    Password if required: saa10245

    Apple Pages 4.1 (Mac OSX)

    Pages is both a streamlined word processor and an easy-to-use page layout application. It allows you to be a writer one minute and a designer the next, always with a perfect document in the works.
    Pages starts with an enhanced Template Chooser that lets you skim through more than 180 Apple-designed templates. You can easily create stunning documents, ranging from a simple letter to a professionally polished resume to a newsletter and more. Or start with a blank page and create your own design on a free-form canvas. Whatever you write, Pages puts powerful tools at your fingertips. So you can create beautiful, media-rich documents in minutes.

    Streamlined word processor
    • Simple interface that lets you launch and start typing in seconds
    • Paragraph and character styles
    • Automatic list formatting
    • Flexible structure for creating any type of document with section, layout, and page breaks
    • Table of contents

    Advanced writing tools
    • Full-screen view
    • Outline mode
    • Seamless integration with MathType 6 and EndNote X4*
    • Change tracking
    • Mail merge with Address Book or Numbers
    • Spell checker and proofreader
    • Search view
    • Page Navigator
    • Word processing utilities including word count and automatic page numbering

    Great-looking documents in minutes
    • Over 180 Apple-designed templates
    • Advanced Template Chooser
    • iLife Media Browser for quick access to iLife photos, movies, and music
    • Powerful graphics tools including Instant Alpha, masking, and photo adjustments
    • Tables with headers, cell formatting, and calculations
    • 2D and 3D charts
    • Typography features including smart quotes, ligatures, and automatic scaling

    Powerful page layout
    • Free-form graphics canvas
    • Control over text flow with linked text boxes
    • Text wrapping

    Compatibility and sharing
    • Import and export Microsoft Word documents
    • Send as a Pages, Word, or PDF file directly to email
    • Share online using iWork.com public beta
    • Import AppleWorks word processing documents
    • Export PDF and ePub files
    • Import and export RTF documents
    • Import a wide range of media types including JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV

    * MathType and EndNote both sold separately. EndNote integration requires plug-in available from Pages support link.

    Some features may require Internet access; additional fees and terms may apply.

    iWork does not include support for some Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text input features such as vertical text.

    Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later

    password if required: saa10245
    Old 3rd August 2012
    Join Date: Aug 2012
    Posts: 9
    Rep Power: 0
    saa10245 mempunyai hidup yang Normal

    VMware Fusion v4.1.2 MacOSX Incl Keymaker-EMBRACE

    VMware Fusion 4 is recommended for home users, students and business professionals who are looking for the easiest, fastest and most reliable way to run Windows programs on their Macs without rebooting. VMware Fusion’s migration assistant for Windows makes it easier than ever to transfer your entire PC to your Mac and make the most of your Windows software investment. Get the best of both worlds and have access to your Windows programs and all your files from your old PC directly on your Mac, whenever you need them. Run your favorite Windows programs alongside Mac applications without rebooting. Whether you want to run Windows XP, Vista or 7 on a Mac, VMware Fusion’s easy install feature will get you up and running in no time. With the ability to run Windows-only programs like Microsoft Project, Access and Internet Explorer, VMware Fusion turns your Mac into the ultimate computer for compatibility

    password if required: saa10245

    TeamViewer Corporate 7.0.11023 | Mac Os X

    TeamViewer Manager is an optional database tool that stores your partner details in a database that can also be shared over the network with other supporters. Also includes sophisticated logging and reporting functionality for your connections. TeamViewer Manager is only included in the Premium licenses or higher. Without a license, this download is restricted to a total of five partners and may be used for trial purposes.

    Remote Control without Installation:
    • With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect - even through tight firewalls.

    Remote Presentation of Products, Solutions and Services:
    • The second TeamViewer mode allows you to present your desktop to a partner. Show your demos, products and presentations over the Internet within seconds - live from your screen.

    File Transfer:
    • TeamViewer comes with integrated file transfer that allows you to copy files and folders from and to a remote partner - which also works behind firewalls

    Works behind Firewalls:
    • The major difficulties in using remote control software are firewalls and blocked ports, as well as NAT routing for local IP addresses.
    • If you use TeamViewer you don't have to worry about firewalls: TeamViewer will find a route to your partner.

    Highest Security Standard:
    • TeamViewer is a very secure solution. The commercial TeamViewer versions feature completely secure data channels with key exchange and RC4 session encoding, the same security standard used by https/SSL.

    No Installation Required:
    • To install TeamViewer no admin rights are required. Just run the software and off you go...

    High Performance:
    • Optimized for connections over LANs AND the Internet, TeamViewer features automatic bandwidth-based quality selection for optimized use on any connection.


    Mach Desktop 1.07 Mac OSX

    Mach Desktop brings your desktop to life with Quartz Compositions, Quicktime Movies, or Web pages. Mach Desktop comes built-in with over 30 stunning Quartz Compositions and nearly 20 beautiful Quicktime movies. View stunning waterfalls, fireplaces, aquariums, 3d particle systems, and more. Also view historic landmarks like the Great Pyramids, the Roman Colosseum, the Athens Acropolis, and others! You can, of course, choose your own Quartz Composition, Quicktime movie, or Web page to put on the desktop as well.
    Mach Desktop also features an exciting new utility feature called Desklets: Desklets let you run Shell commands, Images, and Text files on your Desktop. Desklets are very powerful and let you view and display all kinds of information!

    Unlike all other apps, which offer only a fraction of the features and scenes Mach Desktop has to offer, Mach Desktop has no equal and is the only application of its kind! Mach Desktop can be easily turned on or off from the menu bar, offers full multi monitor support, you can even customize your Desktop further by displaying all kinds of information with Desklets! Download Mach Desktop today and turn your Desktop into the information and multimedia powerhouse it deserves to be!

    - View Quartz compositions, Quicktime movies, and Web pages as your wallpaper
    - Add Desklets to you Desktop, each with fully customizable font face, size, style and background colors
    - Full multi monitor support
    - Fully customize each media type
    - Easily turn Mach Desktop on or off from the menu bar
    - Over 30 Quartz compositions and nearly 20 Quicktime movies included

    Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later

    New Update

    password if required: saa10245

    Autodesk Mudbox 2013 ENG – MacOSX

    Autodesk Mudbox 3D digital sculpting and digital painting software gives you the freedom to create production-ready 3D digital artwork without worrying about the technical details. Designed by professional artists from the game, film, television, and design industries, Mudbox combines an intuitive user interface with a powerful creative toolset of stencils and brushes for ultrarealistic 3D character modeling, engaging environments, and stylized props.

    New features in Mudbox 2013:

    - Extreme Detail with the new Gigatexel engine: Handle exponentially more pixels with the Gigatexel engine which works automatically and transparently.
    - Multipurpose Curves: Draw curves in screen space or in 3D space, and use them in a variety of ways to augment the painting and sculpting toolsets.
    - Customizable Workspace: Configure the user interface to better accommodate individual workflows and preferences, with the new ability to customize the workspace and save and share custom workspaces.
    - Support for Edge Hardness, Creasing, and Smoothing Groups: Import and work with models created in Autodesk� Maya� 2013 software, Autodesk� 3ds Max� 2013 software, Autodesk� Softimage� 2013 software, and certain other content creation solutions that contain special data controlling the hardness, creasing, and smoothing of particular edges.
    - Combine Bump and Normal Map Detail: Combine painted bump map detail with extracted normal map detail to produce a single normal map??”even in tangent space. You can now create relief detail both by sculpting and painting, and combine the results into a single map suitable for use in games engines.
    - Sculpt and Paint Tiling Detail: Paint and sculpt tiled detail to create seamlessly repeating textures and maps that can be used to more efficiently cover large surface areas.
    - Enhanced Photoshop Interoperability: Take advantage of a more fully integrated workflow with Adobe Photoshop software, with new support for importing and exporting 16-bit PSD files.
    - Duplicate and Flip Models: Duplicate objects, and optionally flip them to create mirrored versions, helping save time when objects are repeated on a model.
    - Presets for Adjust Color: Manipulate or correct the colors of a paint layer with new presets for Adjust Color; these enable you to invert layers, apply inverse gamma correction to photographic sources, and extract luminance values from an image.


    Autodesk Maya 2013 Mac OSX |

    Languages: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese

    Autodesk� Maya� 3D animation software delivers a comprehensive creative feature set with tools for animation, modeling, simulation, rendering, matchmoving, and compositing on a highly extensible production platform. For visual effects, game development, post production, or other 3D animation projects, Maya offers toolsets to help meet demanding production requirements. Maya 2013 adds tools that help facilitate parallel workflows and complexity handling; powerful new creative toolsets; and productivity enhancements to help you create higher quality content quickly.

    1. Install Maya 2013 using serial provided
    2. Open terminal or BatChmod and change permissions for Maya.app to 777 = Read/Write access for everybody.
    Path to Maya.app = /Applications/Autodesk/maya2013/Maya.app/
    3. Patch Maya.app
    Launch and enjoy!

    password if required: saa10245

    Graphic Design Studio v2.1.000 Multilingual Mac OS X

    Quickly turn yourself into an artist as you create professional looking vector art and graphic designs for your business, or simply for fun. Graphic Design Studio packs the power of creating vector graphics into an easy-to-use app, and also gives a creative starting point to your projects by including pre-designed vector artwork, royalty free vector graphics, images and more. Use Graphic Design Studio to design web buttons, drawings, icons, logos, tattoos, banners, email and website graphics, cartoons, text art, posters, t-shirt designs, or anything else your creative mind comes up with.
    Supports SVG, PDF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIFF, EPS and more. Perfect for graphic design professionals or beginners.

    Includes tools the pros use:

    Powerful Bezier editing tools
    Boolean operations to create new shapes
    Create text art and add text to any path
    Full support for SVG files, including import and export
    Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas
    Eraser tool to remove parts of graphics
    Blend tool to create 3D tunnel effects and unique shapes
    Component Library to save and reuse new graphics you create
    Full layer support


    Default Folder X 4.4.10 Mac Os X

    Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any Mac OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands. You just click on the buttons to go to your favorite and recently used folders, manage the folders and files shown in the list, and make changes to your settings.

    Default Folder also fixes a number of problems in Open and Save dialogs, "rebounding" back to the last selected file, putting the path listing back in the top menu, and correcting bugs in scrolling column views.

    Check out the screencast by clicking here!

    • Directory assistant: You can access the contents of your recent, favorite, and open folders right from Default Folder X's toolbar. Its hierarchical pop-up menus expand as you mouse over them, letting you navigate your folders to get to your files. To work faster, you can assign a keyboard shortcut for all of your favorite folders. If an Open and Save dialog isn't open, then you can use Default Folder X's menu bar, Dock icon, or keyboard shortcuts.
    • Real time saving: If you're constantly saving things inside the same folder, Default Folder X can remember that folder for you. You can even set a different default folder for each application you use. That way, you'll already be in the right folder when you're working.
    • Finder management: Have you ever wanted to save a file to an open Finder window? Default Folder X lets you open up or save to any Finder window with a single click. It also lets you get info on, rename, and delete existing files, putting the Finder's power in every Open and Save dialog.
    • Instant Recall: To help you quickly return to folders you've recently used, Default Folder X remembers them for you. It can even rebound to the last file you used in all your recent folders. With Default Folder X, you'll never forget where you put something.
    • Spotlight on the spot: Mac OS X delivers amazing search capabilities with Spotlight, but adding your own search keywords requires a trip to the Finder's Get Info window or to an application like Tags, Fresh, or Tag Folders. No more! Default Folder X lets you add Spotlight keywords, OpenMeta tags, and Finder labels on the spot, while you're still in the Save dialog. It even remembers keywords you've used before and automatically completes them as you type.
    • Information central: Leopard delivers amazing previews with QuickLook, but in Open dialogs they're small and you can only see them in column view. With Default Folder X you get previews below every Open dialog, expanded to fill the available space. Need to see more detail? Click on the image and it zooms up to full size. And if you'd rather have words instead of pictures, Default Folder X delivers those details too. The file's size, the date you created and modified it, the Finder label, Spotlight comments, OpenMeta tags, access permissions - they're all there too.
    • Workflow without work: Rather than make you learn and set up a new application, Default Folder X blends into Mac OS X. Its pop-up menus and Finder integration will start saving you time immediately, and it will put your pre-existing Favorite folders in its toolbar right away. When you do decide to start customizing it, Default Folder X lets you set default folders and assign shortcuts right from its toolbar. Finally, effortless workflow.
    Version 4.4.10:
    • Compatible with the latest developer release of Mac OS X 10.8.
    • Gmail attachment dialogs and other plugin-based Open and Save dialogs are now supported in Firefox 10 and 11.
    • File dialogs will no longer appear slowly or temporarily freeze when displaying folders containing many items.
    • Package sizes are calculated in the background to eliminate temporary hangs when selecting large packaged files (like iPhoto libraries).
    • Default Folder X now dynamically detects sandboxed applications. This reduces overhead because Default Folder X will no longer try to install itself in sandboxed applications when it doesn't need to.
    • Corrected a problem that could "steal" mouse clicks in Open dialogs, disabling rubber band selection mode.
    • Worked around a problem with OpenMeta tags not getting indexed by Spotlight when you tag files in InDesign.
    • Recent OpenMeta tags are now read separately from Leap and Yep because the new Mac App Store versions of these applications cannot share their recent tags via the standard OpenMeta mechanism.
    • Worked around a problem that caused Mathematica to hang after it launched if Default Folder X was enabled.
    • PPC / Intel
    • Mac OS X 10.5 or later


    English Thesaurus v1.0.1 Mac OS X

    Featured by Apple in “New & Noteworthy” in USA, Spain and other countries, this Thesaurus has been many a time rated by our customers in the App Store as the most outstanding, comprehensive and extensive English thesaurus available anywhere. Now, with the desktop version, Word Magic is outperforming itself, fixing most issues requested by Users in the past and adding many bonus features you will find in no other synonyms dictionary app. Guaranteed!

    What makes this English Thesaurus unique?
    • The fact that you may enter set phrases, not only single terms, as valid entries.
    • The fact that you may obtain synonyms of parts of speech usually not included in other thesauri, such as exclamations, prepositional phrases and idiomatic verbs. Even proverbs have their synonyms!
    • The sheer number contained in the database, no less than 1,049,000 synonyms and 283,000 antonyms, is not equaled by any book in existence.
    • Meaning Descriptors to help distinguish between the different meanings a word.
    • Strict coherence of each synonym set. Transitive verbs yield only transitive synonyms. Intransitive verbs yield intransitive synonyms. Meanings and connotations of words are never mixed.

    Latest additions:

    • Embedded Tutorial.
    • You may now enter plurals as valid entries.
    • Background color and font selection from among 19 different themes.
    • Fuzzy Search: Detects misspelled words and offers close suggestions.
    • Natural sounding voices in English

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    Old 6th November 2014
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    Last edited by vivihuanglin; 8th November 2014 at 10:18 PM.
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